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The Philosophy of Human Extinction

It's been millions of years the human race has been on this planet.

The plaguing question which has been hindering the human mind for some time becomes prevalent - the end of the world. It's something evident, but not accepted. There is no question as to the fact that it will eventually happen. But the definition of that particular time, is what perplexes most. Some culture claims it to be in 2012, sceintifically it should be somewhere after 10000s of years later. Anyhow, no one wants it to be NOW.

That's the status of the human race. We don't want our own end to come about. We fail to digest that fact and expect ourselves to live for long, though knowing the fact that one day, death is the gonna finally reach the finishing first.

And adding to that fact, is the constant threat which we as humans are dawning upon ourselves. In the ever-going race with aspirations, industries, progress and development, we forget one prime thing because of which we all exist - the environment! Our environment faces constant negligence from us. Shouldn't there have been some greater relevance for humans evolving into something which we are today? A reason for only us humans having a greater thought process and ways of rationalisation, than any other ogranism on the planet. Or were we just blended into the evolution process, to cause the end of this planet? Because, with the way things are going now - I am sure that's where we all are leading to.

I often see people, littering the surroundings, with least bothering about what it is going to turn up. Plastic bags strewn around, unkept roads, constant pollution of the environment. I see all these around, and wonder, what exactly this planet is going to be in a span of 25 years! How different it would be? True. The growing generations will have the adverse effect of it, but the people living right now, don't even care.

To be on the safer side, embibe some simple green practices into your living. Don't litter the roads, there are waste disposals, put it in them. So next time, you finish your pack of potato chips, do find a waste bin nearby and bless it with the empty packet. Don't think that "someone else" will always do it. Start doing things by yourself, then gradually the changes will occur. But hey, we would cease to be human if you DO those. How ironic!!

Hence unlike the dinosaurs who were supposedly swept away from Earth through a meteroid strike, humans would not need something like that. We will definitely bring on our own extinction!


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