Recently, when there was a small accident for our vehicle I came face-to-face with the concept called People. The silly thing is that this stuff is supposed to be neutral and feature on the side of truth. But thats not what eventually happens. People tend to make the situation worse by creating walls between the people and have the situation in a different way. If it is for the good (good in the sense, i mean the 'right' good) then there is no problem. But if it the other way, then that makes it a whole lot of a different issue.
I feel like telling this because, on the spot of the accident, the people over there had told to take the case seriously and not to leave it alone. But a 5 minutes later, the course had been changed. The same people who had come and told us to take the incident to the notice of the law, were telling us to arrive a mutual compromise. And not only that, the fault was on our side. Well, a vehicle stopping behind a vehicle halting and another rickshaw coming and ramming behind us. Where does the fault lie ?
And its been a common thing of the world, that people just dont do any service! They do it for something or the other benefit. Everyone should be rich aint it! Pathetic! Its not simply that the country isnt going anywhere !
What's the buzz? A swarm of bee's in the house :P