Life is Symmetric. Not so much viewed statement. But I feel so. There are many symmetric things in the world. In mathematics, Circles, Triangles, etc. In other areas there are other respective symmetric materials. Symmetry is all about a regular pattern when viewed about an average. There can be up and down movements. But all together, when there are equal ups and downs, it becomes symmetric. Comparing so to life, being with the ups and downs in life, altogether life would be symmetric in view. When there are downs in life, there is supposed to be symmetric ups in life too. It'll have a positive note on our lives. Thinking about the downs which we have come across, there is no use pondering. Wait and wish for the escalations to come and prosper. And all the demoting things, may those be experiences, so that we learn and grow upon them. Live Life on A Positive Note. :) Keep smiling. :)